Atoderm Intensive baume

Peau très sèche à atopique

Intensively anti-itching and replenishing care. Ultra-soothing & ultra-nourishing.

No more flare-ups for 6 months : 76%.*
Prescribed by dermatologists

Detailed description


For all the family (except premature infants)


  • Soothes and reduces the urge to scratch
  • Intensely nourishes and restores lipids
  • Makes the skin feel more comfortable and becomes stronger. In a lasting way

Implemented by the new European dermatology recommendations in the management of atopic eczema: "Emollient PLUS**" category.

Very good tolerance - Non-sticky, non-oily texture - Instant absorption - Unfragranced

See sources

يتم تصنيع جميع منتجات BIODERMA وفقاً لمبادئ علم البيئة ، والتي تعد في صميم نهج NAOS لرعاية النظام البيئي للبشرة والحفاظ على صحتها بشكلٍ دائم.

The exclusive Lipigenium™ complex, composed of biolipids naturally found in the epidermis, durably reconstructs the skin barrier by biologically stimulating the synthesis of lipids and proteins that make up the intercorneocyte cement.

The anti-pruritus dermatological agent PEA rapidly relieves itching and reduces the urge to scratch.

The Skin Barrier Therapy™ patent prevents the adhesion of bacteria that cause irritation on even the driest skin.

Body and face

Once or twice a day

The 3.6.9 method is a new method to systemize application. It has been developed in order to indicate the right dose of Atoderm Intensive baume to use, and then to create a routine and systematize application of the cream for better results in the long term and for a better observance.

  • Step 1 Cleanse skin with Atoderm Huile de douche or Atoderm Intensive gel moussant.
  • Step 2 Apply Atoderm Intensive baume to skin.
  • Step 3 Gently massage until absorbed.

    3 pumps for a BABY: 1 pump for face, neck and chest - 1 pump for both arms and back - 1 pump for both legs.
    6 pumps for a CHILD: - 1 pump for face and neck - 1 pump for chest - 1 pump for back - 1 pump for both arms - 1 pump per leg (x2).
    9 pumps for an ADULT: - 1 pump for face and neck - 1 pump for chest - 1 pump for back - 1 pump per arm (x2) - 2 pumps per leg (x2).

Once or twice a day

The 3.6.9 method is a new method to systemize application. It has been developed in order to indicate the right dose of Atoderm Intensive baume to use, and then to create a routine and systematize application of the cream for better results in the long term and for a better observance.

  • Step 1 Cleanse skin with Atoderm Huile de douche or Atoderm Intensive gel moussant.
  • Step 2 Apply Atoderm Intensive baume to skin.
  • Step 3 Gently massage until absorbed.

    During eczema flare-ups, apply dermocorticosteroids in addition to the emollient (avoid the emollient on eczema lesions if itching is intense).

    3 pumps for a BABY: 1 pump for face, neck and chest - 1 pump for both arms and back - 1 pump for both legs.
    6 pumps for a CHILD: - 1 pump for face and neck - 1 pump for chest - 1 pump for back - 1 pump for both arms - 1 pump per leg (x2).
    9 pumps for an ADULT: - 1 pump for face and neck - 1 pump for chest - 1 pump for back - 1 pump per arm (x2) - 2 pumps per leg (x2).
  • Step 4 During eczema flare-ups, apply dermocorticosteroids in addition to the emollient (avoid the emollient on eczema lesions if itching is intense).

If skin dryness persists, consult a healthcare professional.

"التصميم البيئي لمنتجاتنا: نعمل يوميًا على تحسين منتجاتنا لتقليل تأثيرها البيئي: - معظم منتجاتنا مصنوعة ١٠٠٪ من البلاستيك القابل لإعادة التدوير - جميع صناديقنا الخارجية قابلة لإعادة التدوير بنسبة ١٠٠٪ ومصنوعة من ورق الغابات المُدارة بشكل مستدام. تعليمات الفرز: يرجى الرجوع إلى تعليمات الفرز المحلية لإعادة تدوير منتجك بشكلٍ صحيح"

The main causes of discomfort for those with very dry and irritated skin are itching and tightness. This dryness can be the result of a genetic predisposition as well as aggravating factors such as water, the use of unsuitable skin care products, the cold, temperature variations and pollution. It is characterised by an altered skin barrier and the proliferation of bacteria which cause irritation and even secondary infections. When attacked, the skin becomes weaker and requires daily treatment.

Results proven by clinical studies

Soothes itching and irritation

Immediate skin relief: 95% (1)

See sources

Soothes itching

9 /10 people no longer scratch themselves (1)

No more flare-ups for 6 months: 76% (2)

See sources
See the list of ingredients